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What Do you know about changing lifestyle-think-angle-2023

 A changing lifestyle for forty years

The man of 1980 was very different from the man of today. At that time, people had relatively little wealth, but courage, courage and understanding were high.

Jealousy and greed were less among the people. People had time for each other. But today everyone is a lost boat.

Now we enlighten you with these changing conditions in four decades.

What Do you know about changing lifestyle-think-angle-2023
What Do you know about changing lifestyle-think-angle-2023

1: Child, young from infancy, infancy:. If seen in the 1980s, it seems that earlier childhood was innocent and now childhood has become young. Thirty years ago, five-year-olds used to talk like children, but today children talk with understanding like adults. One of my friends got a call and his friend asked, "I heard you have a son, so my friend replied. The first thing is that the child is now two years old. And the second thing is that you misheard, not a child, but my father is born.” Guess how wise today's kids are that he had to call his two-year-old a father.

        An example of thirty, forty years ago and today's baby can also be given as the Nokia 3110 was initially introduced in Pakistan, which was heavy in weight and newborn in intellect but possessed of a strong body. Even if he got hurt, it didn't matter. But today's smart phone can get away with sharp drops and minor drops in the most delicate of senses. Just like yesterday's child used to bravely fight against poverty, poverty and many kinds of diseases, compared to this, today's child is unfamiliar with harsh conditions, has short stature, low tolerance and has a magnetic attraction for any new disease.

What Do you know about changing lifestyle-think-angle-2023
What Do you know about changing lifestyle-think-angle-2023

2: Food:. We remember that thirty years ago, after a week of begging from my mother, I used to make curries at home with great difficulty. However, there was no poverty. Yogurt and roti in the morning, butter and roti for lunch, and milk for dinner, chapati with sugar in desi ghee. At that time, morning, noon and evening were not the same as today. And today this famous disease "burning in the chest" was not at all sir. At that time, even if curry was eaten daily, I don't think it would have been so harmful because refrigerators were not common at that time. Food was not packaged and sold like the profiteers of today.

  My grandfather once told me that my son had heard many people cry for a drink called Pepsi. Please bring me and introduce me to this syrup, what kind of syrup is it that people are dying for Pepsi, Pepsi. Let's see if this is the end. Khair Main Le Aya Dukan se" When I filled the glass to Dada, I felt as if a textile mill was going to be inaugurated today. Khair Dada took the glass of Pepsi in a very curious manner and put it in his mouth. He took a sip, before taking it down his throat, grandpa had inspected the syrup. Suddenly, grandpa "snorted" and threw the sip out and quickly called for water and rinsed it off and addressed me by saying Alhamdulillah, Oh, this is Pepsi. I said yes, grandpa. So grandpa said this is a very bad thing. People will get insurance from this. Then you see for yourself today that 80% of people are getting sugar from cold drinks.

What Do you know about changing lifestyle-think-angle-2023
What Do you know about changing lifestyle-think-angle-2023

3: The individual is connected to the nation. Compared to three decades ago, the clan system is broken today. If someone dies of hunger, then what do we do? What time was it that Friday was a holiday? And in our area Chana Chaat was made from house to house which was called "Gonganiyan" in the local language. They used to give it as charity or gift to neighbors' houses and also eat it themselves. Then the time suddenly changed and we found out that this kind of charity or gift is completely wrong, brother, we were confused. Three decades ago, a woman was responsible for household affairs and a man was a householder. And what has happened now is that women have put an extra noose around their neck. The demand for a separate house before marriage is completely contradictory to Allama Iqbal's statement "Fard Qaim Rabat-i-Millat Ke". May Allah be with us.

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